About Me - What Qualifies me to be a business coach & consultant



I started my company, Timlin Enterprises, in 2010. I had no funding, two small children at home, and a 3-month consulting services contract to get my business off the ground. I started my own business because I believed, deep down, that I could find a better way to deliver the technology services in my field.

Over the following 10 years I went through many stages of the journey: growth, contraction, fear, elation, frustration, anger, and a couple times I wanted to throw in the towel. I stuck it out, and as people say, you don’t make it if you quit. However, you also don’t make it just by refusing to quit. You must also learn from the mistakes and find ways to constantly improve your offering - what YOU bring to your business.

I adapted over the years and learned to work on my business instead of in it, lowered the business dependency on me, got my numbers worked out, watched, and improved. I learned how to build a team that trusts one another, can accept delegation, authority, and responsibility. I read books, attended many peer group meetings, hired a coach of my own, and built a business that had value to an external party.

In 2020 we made the decision to sell the business. My leadership team and I had agreed we had accomplished what we set out to achieve with this company. I spent a great deal of time working with investment bankers, brokers, attorneys, and people who had gone through exits before. You want to get this part right, this is a tough mistake to learn and recover from, so I took my time.

After exiting I got to run through the emotions that come from selling something I built. No matter how much you prepare for it, there are elements that remain difficult based on each situation and style of the owner. There are many key considerations to work through when selling your business, and I really want to help those that are going to go through it.

Finally, I left the acquiring company and decided I wanted to write a book (still in progress) about the concept of Entrepreneurs and CEOs, how they are different and how to start to transition your thinking to the concept of working ON your business. I got so much value from my own coaching that I really look forward to helping others overcome obstacles and reach their goals.


I’ve had to look hard in the mirror to understand what my specials skills are, and those areas where I need help from a team. I’m putting it out here to see if it aligns with your needs.

  • Business Problem identification & solving.

  • Willingness to make decisions

  • Building Trust / Leadership Team Fundamentals

  • Kaizen - continuous improvement to push to make it better

  • Identify & Tracking numbers / financials - understanding the bigger picture

  • Exit planning, increasing company value, working through this process

  • Employee Evalution & Accountability

  • Monthly business review cadence

  • Focusing on what’s important - quarterly objectives without deviation